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Mike Teillet related to Owner ?


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The Brothers ?


After an extensive investigation, The Hockey News has discovered that Mike Teillet and John Teillet are brothers.

Although Mike is nearly 30 years older than John, birth records have been uncovered that prove conclusively that the two are brothers.

(to be fair, The Hockey News must point out that Mike plays like he is only 25 years older). Does being the owner's brother explain how Mike keeps his place on the roster?

The Brothers - A comparison  
John is always hanging around Mike never shows up
Mike can't keep the puck lower than 16 feet John can't raise the puck
John is famous for his backhand Mike has never tried a backhand
John is clean cut and clean living Mike is bearded and not so much
Mike has an extremely high beverage intake John has a low beverage intake
John is a GAG (goal a game) player Mike is a GAS (goal a season) player
John learned to play in the 70s Mike is playing in his 70s
John is low profile and boring Mike is controversial and scandal-ridden
Mike ignores Chuck John ignores Chuck

The Red Army Reacts

Read what Mike's team-mates have to say.


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